Case study

LG Man from the future

Extending the SuperBowl Ad into a results-winning digital activation

50th anniversary of the SuperBowl

First ever LG SuperBowl Spot

Most activated click-throughs ever

Video case study


LG's first superbowl ad, by Ridley scot, starring liam neeson

LG Electronics announced that the company’s first-ever Super Bowl commercial will be produced by Ridley Scott’s production company, RSA Films. Jake Scott will direct the spot that showcases LG’s widely acclaimed OLED TV technology. 

“When I first saw OLED TV’s, I was mesmerized by its staggering picture quality,” said Ridley Scott. “With 1984, audiences were introduced to a technological advancement that promised to change everything,” said Jake. “I see a similar kind of disruption with LG OLED TV.”


How can this scifi SUPERBOWL Ad get clicks?

We were tasked with activating the ad online, driving traffic to to create a payoff for this very expensive placement. How might we best take advantage of the momentary attention?


RE-create the character from the ad on social

The Man From the Future was suddently all over social. We reached out to Twitter, who always have a major presence at SuperBowl, and coordinated the launch of their new product, Cards, to drive record levels of engagement. 



actionable content at the big game

As far out as two weeks pre-game, posts and hand-raising opportunities were sent out. Posts with animated graphics were placed leading up to the main event. To build the traffic snowball, we also utilized Re-tweet-to-win promotions, constant post updates throughout the game in real-time using custom content and interactive at-tweets with other brands.

Then on game day, the huge audience that had been collected was all notified and activated to the same landing page sign up experience.


Most traffic via twitter for any superbowl activation, ever

With record-splitting results, the campaign more than accomplished what is set out to do. So whether you were able to actually watch the SuperBowl TV spot, you for sure heard about LG OLED TVs.


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